Textured Amber
Ball Earrings |
are super cute! Cut
so the light shimmers
off the lovely amber
colored stone. Hand
wiring around the
sides of the amber
allows you to see
all the fascinating
fossilized matter.
They're really neat
to look at in different
lights! Unique single
gold piece over lobe
makes them appear
to be for pierced
ears. |
• Era:
• Condition:
Size: L=
1.5 " Stone
is .75" |
is fossilized resin
of trees. Most amber
is golden yellow to
golden orange. Transparent
to translucent it
usually occurs as
nodules or small,
irregularly shaped
masses, often with
a cracked and weathered
surface. Amber may
contain insects, moss,
lichen, or pine needles
that were trapped
millions of years
ago while the resin
was still sticky.
wear amber to attract
warm, loyal, and generous
people into your life;
or carry amber on
your person to lend
logic or wit to a
difficult situation.
properties: Magnet
like qualities. Attracts
spiritual forces.
Facilitates family
bonding. Brings soul
mate. Helps receive.
Promotes humor and
adaptability. Brings
success. Helps with
judicial matters.
heightens instincts.
Enhances artistic
qualities. Helps overcome
obstacles. Relieves
grief and melancholy.
Encourages world peace.
Brings greater awareness
of inner self. Provides
strength. Conveys
harmony. Beneficial
for hepatitis, cleansing
and childbirth. |
© 2008,
Lovelydaughtersvintage.com |